LifeStyle Glass by MPD Glass

LifeStyleGlass LogoLifestyle Glass is a Canadian based glass design & etching brand that specializing in creating custom glass designs for your home and office. Their custom designs are the perfect accent for any door in your home or office, kitchen, pantry, cabin or game room.

Working with the executive team, we created a strategic sales and marketing plan focused on growing sales of their custom glass door lines outside of their immediate geographic market. We began execution of the plan with the creation and launch a new brand – Lifestyle Glass. Followed closely by launch of a new website and an email campaign to inform their entire network of customers supplier and dealers. We are currently working to increase distribution through online and brick and mortar channel partners while increasing our social media presence and awareness with the design build community.


Engagement Type: Launch Strategy & Launch Execution

Project Categories: Sales & Marketing Plan, Execution – Branding, Website, Sale Brochure

Industry: Manufacturing, Home Decor